miércoles 12  de  marzo 2025
Media Kit

DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS: 70 years bringing journalistic objectivity

DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS´S multichannel offer allows to take the information to almost every audience in South Florida and US

Founded in 1953, DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has written in Spanish the history of daily events in South florida, the United States, Latin America and the world.

Today, after 70 years of life, this newspaper has evolved in a complete multiplatform source of information, that marks a reference to the Hispanics in Miami-Dade and Broward.


Our Products

DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has a wide offer categorized mainly in Printed and Digital products. Part of our printed products are our Weekly Newspaper, Special Editions, and Magazines. A part of our digital products can be found our robust webpage: www.diariolasamericas.com; an up to date app called DLANews specially designed for Apple and Android devices; our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Linkedin Social Media Channels, a variety of multimedia programs and segments as: El diario en 90 segundos, Es Viral, El resumen semanal, Crónicas de Facundo, La buena notice noticia among much others.

Also as a very important part of our offer DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has developed a group of Special Projects such as: 60 Aniversario de La Brigada de Asalto 2506, Mujeres Poderosas: La Revista Aniversario 68 de Diario Las Américas, Versailles: 50 años de la catedral del sabor en Miami, and Pedro Pan, el adiós de la esperanza that reunite not on each project not only a magazine, but also a special section on our webpage with multimedia and written interviews, promotional campaigns in our social media channels, and a half hour documental that shows the must relevant information of the project.

Since our rebranding in 2015, DLA has worked hard to keep on the flow with new technologies and latest trends. Since then we have launched our new and robust webpage with a improved design for easier reading and navigation, and fortify or digital presence on social media and other relevant tools as emails, app and WhatsApp to distribute our content and reach a wider group of readers. This allows DLA to have the information posted minutes from when it happen. Our staff of experienced journalists and editors work each day focus on provide the most relevant and objective information that our readers can have, optimized for each media which were is presented. All these efforts make DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS one of the most prominent news provider in Spanish around US.

A summary of our offer can be found bellow, and for any other information about advertising and editorial possibilities our Sales and Editorial Departments can be reach at [email protected] and [email protected]

DLA Printed Weekly Edition

Every Friday DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS start starts the weekend with a taste of the most important information from Florida, the Nation, Latin America, and the world.

The best analysis of the most relevant subjects and events that are priority to our readers are taken to our section El Tema, the topic of the week; In Florida and Estados Unidos sections our readers can find investigations and interviews about what is happening in Miami and the rest of the country. América Latina, Cuba and Venezuela sections show the most prominent information from the Spanish speaking countries in America. The world, from Spain to Israel and China, and more, is all taken to our section Mundo. Our readers can also find valuable information about the economy and the real estate industry in our special pages of Economía, for finance.

This is also the edition to find exciting ideas for those out of workdays in our Vida&Artes pages, where they can also read interesting interviews with personalities of the arts, from music and television to movies, book authors and visual artists.

Health and Sports information is not out of DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS offer. Inside Salud and Deportes our readers can find interesting reports and news about these two areas; and in our Turismo section you can have a look of the most wonderful places around the world.

Finally, one of the jewels of the crown: our traditional Clasificados, the classifieds section, where Greater Miami comes to find products and services offers that will help anyone find whatever they need.


Our Readers Demographic


Advertise in DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS Weekly Printed Edition

DLA's layout is based on a six 1.5" column reticula to give our advertisers the opportunity of create modular ads that can be placed around the page. With a maximum of 14" height, DLA offers a variety of options to present very creative ads. Although the measure of the advertise can be defined by the advertiser as he wishes, DLA provide some standards that can be found bellow.


Special Editions and Editorial Content

On those moments or important dates that need to be resembled and commemorated, DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS produce 8 - 12 pages inserts with special content related to that particular occasion. Some of our most recognized editions are Carnaval Calle Ocho, Open Enrollment, Cuban Independence: 20 de mayo, among many others that each year we produce with interviews and relevant information.

DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has a wide offer of Digital and Printed media to advertise. Plan in advance and place your ad in any of our Special Editions or Publication and reach the hispanic audience that better fit your necessities, or get in contact with our Sales Department to discuss all the options that DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has available for you.

For all advertising and promotional opportunities contact: (305) 350-3480 | (305) 633-3341 Ext: 2260 or write to [email protected]


Magazines and other Editorial Projects

We can also elevate your brand by customizing content that is relevant and engaging to your audience. We can produce tailored magazines and other editorial products to fit your communication needs and reach the target audience you wish to attract. We will support you from content creation to distribution, whether as an insert to our publications or as a stand-alone piece.


DLA'S Special Sections Calendar


Webpage and Digital TV

With exponential growth over the past five years, registering more than 3 million visits each month, the DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS website has become the main source of information for the Hispanic market in the United States, as well as for the rest of America. and of the world.

More than 50% of our audience is based in North America. The rest is from South America and Europe, mainly from: Venezuela, Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina.

First-class coverage, characterized by the most rigorous objectivity, allows access to information within seconds of the news. In addition, our robust audiovisual offer propitiates the steady increase in the number of visitors and the time they remain in the portal.

This has allowed us to develop strategies to help our advertisers effectively reach their target audience through native advertising on videos and articles, through direct and / or automated purchasing.

That is how at DLA we are constantly improving to stay on the wave and bring the best information using the top of the line technologies.

With an exponential grow, since our relaunching, DiarioLasAmericas.com has become the main source of digital information for the latin market of US and the rest of America. Our top of the line coverage, characterized by the most strict objectivity, gives access to the information, seconds after the news occurs.

The people way to consume the information has suffer suffered changes, and the audiovisual has become a prefer way to get informed online. That's why, DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, has also developed a group of programs to be seen via Facebook Live, YouTube and DiarioLasAmericas.com, to target that audience.


DiarioLasAmericas.com Visitors Demographics


Advertise in DiarioLasAmericas.com

We offer multiple advertising opportunities on our web page. Here are some options:

  • Traditional banners under IAB standards (Interactive Advertising Bureau).
  • Media rich banners such as Floaters, Skyscrapers, Page grabbers and expandable, among others, including Geolocation.
  • Branded content.
  • Diverse placement throughout the portal.



By the end of 2022, we launched DLANews, the new application for mobile devices that can be downloaded for free.

The sustained growth DLA's digital platform is made by thinking about providing you with various ways to receive immediate and verified information. With DLANews and within the reach of a click, can be received notifications of news events as they happen and stay up-to-date from the comfort of a phone or tablet.

The new application of DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, DLA NEWS, brings the reader closer to the news of Miami, the main cities of the US, Latin America and the world, sports, the latest in the show and everything that may be of interest.

DLANews APP can be downloaded for Apple and Android


Social Media Channels

DLA have a very important number of followers though our Social Media Channel, that not only help us to get closer to our clients, but also work as an excellent tool to promote any business to a younger target.

DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has a sizable number of followers through their social networks. These channels help us distribute information and get closer to our readers, but also work as an excellent tool for our advertisers to promote their brand, product and / or service to a younger target.

Through our Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter channels we can offer:

Effective advertising solutions

  • High impact advertisement hyper-targeted for mobile and computer platforms.
  • Digital / Social promotions.

Relevant content of general interest

  • Specifically designed content for digital and mobile consumption.
  • Quality content written in the client’s native language.
  • Active social platforms geared to share and develop audience loyalty.
  • The best publication opportunities in the market.

Native Advertising

  • Advertising content developed to reach the brand’s objectives.
  • Personalized stories, integrated to existing content channels of advertiser’s exclusive content channels.
  • Prices starting at $500 per piece.

Our Numbers



We offer a variety of newsletters that reach a +45,000 users segmented database; A daily newsletter that offer the most important worldwide news of the day and other thematic newsletters that have become our readers favorites to always be informed. Among them: a financial, a health and a sports newsletter.

DLA’s digital newsletters are one of our most powerful promotional tools. The possibilities of segmenting the dispatches according to the demographic characteristics, or geographic location of the person receiving the communication, facilitate directing the message and directly approaching a targeted objective through the Internet.

Our digital bulletins offer includes:

  • At dawn and after noon, subscribers to our database receive El Diario headlines with the most important news headlines of the moment and their link to our website.
  • Blast email with the link to the video of El Diario in 90 Seconds once published on our website and social networks.
  • Blast email with the video of the Weekly Summary of Diario Las Américas promoting the content of the printed edition.
  • Digital Front page in .pdf format and .jpg including the 5 key topics of the morning news cycle.
  • Weekly finance and business news review. Interviews with financial experts, company CEOs, investors; with the respective links to the content published on the DLA website.
  • Dispatch with the link to the video of La Buena Noticia on the website of DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, a program that features an uplifting event or topic of social, economic or environmental benefit.

Subscription to our bulletins in completely free and can be done trough our Suscripciones Digitales link that can be found on the hamburger menu on www.DiarioLasAmericas.com or by clicking here



DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has the most renowned Classified section of Miami with an impressive effectiveness for advertisers and consumers.

Recognized as the number one Classified Section in South Florida, Inside every Diario Las Américas weekly edition our readers also can find the Clasificados: Between 4 and 6 pages of products and services offers that will help anyone find whatever they need.

The design for classifieds focuses on the most important aspect: for the reader to find the announcement quicker and much more effectively. Now with the option to incorporate graphic elements and different background colors to improve the ad's visibility.

  • The Typography. The font Abril Sans offers enhancement to the smaller reading thanks to the clean and clear visibility of the lettering
  • Nine Columns. This section adds three columns to the structure to improve the appearance.
  • Organization. More lines are incorporated in order to facilitate searching through the page. Also each section is defined by a tag that allows the reader to find the information that is looking easily and organized.

On these pages you can buy, sale or rent any product or service as fast as possible. Also, through DLAClasificados.com, our digital version, you can increase your exposure to target other audiences.

  • Recognized and reliable brand.
  • Great layout and visibility.
  • The highest ranked local classifieds market.
  • Personalized service when inserting an ad.
  • Modern, friendly and easily accessible digital site.
  • Online payment system.

To advertise in our printed classified section, there are several options: Display Ads and Line Ads. The Display Ads regularly are placed in the first page of the section in our printed edition and also uploaded on DLAClasificados.com. Their graphic layout, color and size is different in comparison with the line ads. The ad can be send by the client or be produce at Diario Las Américas. The price of this kind of ads varies depending the size by column and inches.

The Displays area at Clasificados sections allows to have modular creative ads.


The Linear Ads price is calculated in based on the number of characters that the information has. It is placed on a specific category and also can have pictures, some basic colors and icons. The maximum width of this kind of ads is the same than one column width that equals 1" and can have a maximum height of 13". Linear ads can be placed via DLAClasificados.com and paying online or also by calling to our Clasificados Department at 305.633.0554



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